Prophecy News

November 2019 Sales Forecasting Software

Prophecy Forecast Rules - Overhauled!

The November release of Prophecy features a major overhaul and expansion of Prophecy Rules.

The overhaul now supports almost any type of logic to accept, reject or correct forecasts as they are being created.  In addition, if you don't want a particular rule to be evaluated each time a number is entered, it can be configured as an 'On Demand' rule.  It can be manually run from the new 'Apply Rules' button on the main Prophecy toolbar.  Here are some examples of what's possible:

Example 1: Spot missing price / standard cost

Warn the user there is a missing Price when they enter a Volume:

Example 2: Round to Full Pallets

Some customers buy products in full pallets only.  Here's an example of what happens if a part-pallet quantity is forecasted on one of these items:


The special SQL behind the rule is triggered in response to the forecast as it is entered.  Using lookup logic against a database table of pallet quantity by sku, it rounds the forecast up to whole pallets and pushes the corrected result into the cell.

Example 3: Run rules from a total cell

Changing a total cell in Prophecy, for example a year total, backsolves over the dependent unsold time periods.  This can trigger multiple rule violations.

The new implementation of rules elegantly catches these in a single, floating pop-up window (rather than showing multiple individual message windows for each affected period).  Here's a screen capture:

This window 'floats' over (or outside) the Prophecy space.  Not only that, but when you click an error or warning in the list you will be taken to the 'offending' report cell automatically, allowing you to correct or review the forecast in light of the warning or error.

What's possible with Prophecy rules?

Prophecy rules can now run just about any test logic as they use SQL in the background.  They can query any database (not just the Prophecy database) with any logic.  The logic simply has to determine whether the rule passes or fails and, if it fails, can provide an optional replacement forecast.

Here are some ideas.  The canvas is literally blank, yours to fill.


The 'beefed up' Prophecy Rules engine aims to help you more effectively catch inappropriate forecasts.  Creating forecast rules is a relatively trivial database management job, or you can ask Data Perceptions to create your rules for you (just ask!).

We welcome enhancement suggestions, so please help the Prophecy developer make Prophecy better for you and all the other Prophecy users by communicating your suggestions, either through email of our web site contact form.  All feedback is welcomed.

More information...

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