Introducing... Custom Time Labels!

The latest Prophecy update (V12.3.0.0, released on 10th April 2023) allows you to create your own time labels, instead of using the default labels defined for your database.

You can use any combination of contextually appropriate time fields and even add your own default text.

Please watch the following short video (less than 5 minutes) to see how they work.  (Tip: Click over the vide and press the space bar on your keyboard to pause / restart the video).

The video requires an HTML5 enabled web browser.  If you are viewing this page in Internet Explorer, please copy the link from the address bar and paste it into the address bar of your Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox browser.  Alternatively, please see the notes below, which will help you find the help page for the new feature in the online help, after you have updated to the new version.
